The Real Secret To A Six Pack

Why is it that so many start a new workout or change in their diet and they fail quickly and quit before they reach their goals? Why isn’t everyone walking around with six pack abs and full of energy? There are a lot of reasons, including false expectations, vague goals, limited support and numerous others. But how are others doing it if so many others are failing? What’s the real secret to six pack abs? It goes beyond counting calories and starts with 4 simple but powerful steps:

1.) WHY
This is where it all starts. If you don’t know why you decided to work out and eat healthy, you will quit. The deeper that you understand this, the more success you will have. Are you doing it for you or because someone guilted you into it? Or maybe you want to lose 15 pounds because you saw a health article or a commercial of someone that looks great at the beach. What’s the deep reason that you want to do it? How will you feel? What else will be one easier and better in your life? Start to create that vision in your head.

You will see many roadblocks get in your way. Kid’s events, traveling, home projects and many other life events will try to throw you off your new plan. But not you. Not with your new strong WHY. You will need to turn to your why often to build new healthy habits.

Knowing why you want change will help you clearly create a vision and belief of what’s possible and to help you create a “never stop” attitude.

Change is hard. Others will doubt you. You will even doubt yourself. Your belief will build each day that you move forward and see progress. One day at a time.

Each small success will help strengthen your belief and in turn will have you wanting more and more.

One way to create a rock solid belief system is to surround yourself around others that all want success for you as well.

Let’s face it, this is hard work and you need everything working in your favor. When you have questions or a bad day, you need someone to encourage you to keep moving forward. You don’t want to feel alone. Having others check in with you can also be the difference you need to get up earlier for that workout vs sleeping in.

Being connected to others with similar goals can also make it competitive in a friendly way.

I see it way too often. You are on the right path and things are going well to start and then something comes up. You miss a workout or have a not so stellar day of nutrition and you immediately start to beat yourself up verbally. We can be our own worst enemy.
“I knew this wouldn’t work!”
“I knew I shouldn’t have eaten that piece of cake”
“The scale isn’t going to like me tomorrow!”
“I don’t want to work out today.”

How would you feel about yourself when you use these words? Instead your positive language such as:
“I missed my workout today but it’s OK, it’s just one day and I’ll get back on track tomorrow” or
“I gained a pound? Good I bet my waist is smaller and my energy is higher too!”
“I’m healthy and get to work out today!”
Always focus on the positive and find the lesson and progress with each obstacle. Expect it and see it as a vital part of the process.

Have fun with your journey along the way. “Getting a six pack” quickly becomes much deeper when you create new healthy lifestyle changes for yourself. You will find when you embrace it that other parts of your life will also improve dramatically.

Find your WHY and start your way not only to abs but to a whole new healthy lifestyle!

Greg Barth is a software consultant, online fitness/mindset coach and dad to 2 teenage daughters. He loves using stories to share what he learns through numerous social media platforms. He is the creator of The Life Of Now and The Daily Motivation podcasts aimed at helping inspire his audience to live life to the fullest. You can find him out on



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