Mastering Your Diet

The most important (and only) decision you’ll ever have to make regarding your diet

People ask me all the time, “What is it exactly that you do?”

Explaining that I help people create breakthroughs in their life around their relationship with food gets them nodding their head, but it’s hard to understand what that really means, or what the process of “mastering your diet” actually entails.

So instead of trying to explain it, I’m just going to let one of my clients, Matt, talk to you about the process of mastering your diet and the effect EvolutionEat has had on his life.

Matt…take it away:

Had I ever felt this good?
Not sure.
Seconds after sex, maybe.
But this was different. This was a long-lasting thing. (There’s a joke there somewhere). This was more concrete and more real, in a way.
I’d tried to do it before, but not like this. I enlisted almost no help before and so I flailed and eventually I just burned out because it was too much. (Not the “hack” but there’s a lesson there.)
I am, of course, talking about finally mastering my diet.
Or, in other words, engraining the habit of making healthy choices, meal after meal, day after day. Something I’d wanted to do for so, so long but had never been able to.
I’d tried. Man, I’d really fucking tried and really had every intention of doing it. But I’d failed. Every time.
How many times? I don’t even know. If I had to guess, I’d say… 50? It’s potentially a lot more.
50 times. 50 times I’d promised myself I’d “be good this week” or I’d “eat healthily for one whole week.”
Sometimes, I’d have fucked it all up by Tuesday lunchtime. And then I’d think “fuck it”, buy a load of cakes and sweets and biscuits and order Domino’s pizza, knowing I didn’t want to but just feeling like it was the only way to cope.
Cope with what? Loneliness. Boredom. Stress. Things not working. Feeling worse about my body and how I looked (yes, it’s ironic).
I didn’t tell anybody about this for a long, long time. Well, a couple of years. So not that long, maybe. And the extent to which this problem was a real problem… I didn’t confess that until last night.
Why would I have told anybody? It was embarrassing. And it wasn’t running my life. I still had a job and friends and I wasn’t completely and utterly miserable. But… it was always kind of “there.” I knew it was an issue and I knew it wasn’t sustainable but I kept telling myself, “I’ll figure this out at some point. It’s all good.” And then I’d gorge again until I was way too full and felt disgusted and, worse, out of hope.
It wasn’t until I started working with Daniel that things really started to transform. That I really started to transform.
All the stuff he talked about… how living healthily is a skill you can train, how eating healthily is about making a habit out of eating healthily, how you can lose weight without trying to lose weight, how sugar is extraordinarily addictive, how mastering your diet isn’t really about the food, how you can change your mindset from fixed to growth and the freedom that brings… it all resonated.
When I say resonated, I mean it hit my “stuff.” It really fucking hit my stuff. And you all know what I mean by that.
It was uncomfortable, and I resisted for a little while, and I really, really, really, really, really, really, really didn’t know if I could actually succeed… but I knew it was time to go through EvolutionEat and start mastering my diet, to start getting back some control in my food choices – and, as a result, in my life.
I lost 20 pounds in 5 weeks. I’ve lost more since. But the list of benefits is ridiculous:
Back pain that I had for maybe 10 years is gone. It just isn’t there any more. I’d forgotten what it was like to not feel bothered by it.
I discovered I have cheekbones. That was cool.
I have so much energy and feel amazing almost all of the time. I figured something like that would happen, but not to the extent that it did.
I feel more like myself than I ever have.
That last one… it sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?
I agree. It does. It shocked the shit out of me when I first realised it.
But it’s true. It might be the most true thing about all of this.
My diet – full of junk food and sugar – was holding me back. I suppose I sort of knew this – why else would I want to change? – but my goodness… I didn’t realise it was holding me back because it was preventing me from being who I really was.
A case in point: I’m extroverted. I get energy from people. I love people. I love talking to you, I love interacting with you, I love laughing with you, I love finding out about you, I love connecting with you.
I love being alone, too. I really do. But being around people is what makes me feel alive.
And I’d never truly realized that until I changed my diet.
What the fuck.
So, yeah. This “hack” of mastering your diet will change your life.
Because it will change you.

Daniel Thomas Hind




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