Learning to Love Your Light and Trust Your Truth: A 3-step Process

It’s quite the journey we’re on, right? As I descend one mountain and round another bend, I feel like there’s always another corner to turn or mountain to peak. Part of this journey is learning to love my light and trust my truth. I’m becoming acutely aware of how often I downplay what I know, what I have to offer and my achievements. Simultaneously, I pretend like I don’t know what’s best for myself by always asking for advice and the opinions of others before ever stepping foot into my inner domain.

But, as I begin to uplevel my life, I realize what a detriment these habits are and how they have been holding me back from materializing my dreams. By hiding my light and denying my truth, I’ve kept myself small. From this small place, I’ve attracted the same situations, the same experiences and the same types of people. Any increases have only been small. But, right now, I’m going for a quantum leap. And that leap requires a quantum shedding of the dirt that dampens my greatness. Instead of continuing to force myself into greater love and trust, I’ve decided do something new. I’ve decided to create situations in which more love and trust are required to succeed.

There are three steps in my NEW process of loving your light and trusting your truth.

1) Uplevel your life – Shoot for something higher than you thought possible. Do you have a dream? Okay – what is it? What’s one step you can take in the direction of your dream? Does this step scare you and seem a little bit out of reach? Is there risk involved? If not, find a step that seems a little out of reach – take that step. JUMP. Put yourself in a position to leap for your dreams. When you create this kind of creative tension in your life then more is required of you. This means that you must show up in greater ways to step into this new role (fulfilling your dream). If the steps you are taking towards your dream aren’t drawing out a much larger version of yourself, then your steps aren’t large enough (reach higher!) OR you’ve created too many safety nets (turnarounds and possibilities for slowing or stopping). This is a CRUCIAL step in loving your light and trusting your truth, because you have to create greater and greater opportunities for yourself to turn within and experience what you’re are made of. If you aren’t creating these types of opportunities for yourself, then there’s no amount of “self-care” techniques that will deepen your love and trust.

2) Observe – Keep your eyes open for the surfacing of all that is holding you back. Once you have made the leap towards your dream you’ll quickly realize (if you haven’t already) that a much larger version of yourself is required for this to be successful. When your dream is large enough, steps grand enough and your safety net practically nonexistent then you’ve created momentum. This momentum will quite literally draw you out beyond where you’ve always been and give you the opportunity to observe the mess that’s been keeping you stuck. It’s almost as though you obtain a hyperawareness. What does not work for the success of your dream will become glaringly obvious. In fact, it might be a bit painful. You’ll be aware of yourself as you’re habitually following through on old patterns. It’s normal for a bit of embarrassment to follow because you are aware of a much greater way of interacting and being in the world. This is a sign that the higher version of yourself is beginning to come forward. These awkward and embarrassing moments, no matter how painful, are absolutely necessary. These are your keys to change. You can’t miss them!

3) Make the change – Observation is one thing, but you bet your top dollar that these same scenarios will come back around. You’ll want to catch them when they do, because this is your opportunity to be the higher version of yourself. So, in the aforementioned moments of observation, you may experience a deep knowing of a better way of being or doing next time. The second go-around is the time to implement that deep knowing. Journaling makes this part of the process easier. If you don’t already have a journal practice I highly recommend starting one. Write down your experiences and what you’ve learned. That way when the opportunity presents itself you’re prepared!

In this three step process, you are undoubtedly required to love your light and trust your truth because that is how you become a higher version of yourself. If your dreams aren’t creating enough tension in your life to draw out a higher version of yourself, then either you have yet to take a large enough action step or your dreams aren’t large enough. Or, as mentioned, you still have a safety net that dampens the momentum. Begin to create momentum towards your dream in a way that you can’t turn back. Once you get the momentum going and you realize that you’re now in it – there’s no going back – you’ll step up to the plate in a way you never realized possible. See what happens when you put your self in a win or lose situation. When it comes to the success of your dreams, you’ll be happily surprised by the version of your self that is magnetically drawn forth.

Key takeaway: JUMP without a net.

Higher levels of creation require higher versions of yourself. Higher versions of yourself require a strong foundation of love for your light and trust in your truth. The process of participating in life itself will pull you into greater love and trust. Take action today! With this process (particularly step 1), you’ll have no option but to turn within for greater guidance, clarity and support.

Let me know how this process works for you in the comments below. Or, if you have a process that has worked well for you in the past, please share!

Paula Jones



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Dreams Recycled