Invasion Of The Body Snatchers

Raising kids: “One of the hardest jobs in the world, yet the most rewarding.” How many times has that expression been said? Such a testament of truth yet, in my opinion, “mommies” do not receive half the amount of recognition due to them. This immensely challenging occupation is never properly acknowledged.

I myself, pre-children that is, would have been classified as a well-educated, level-headed, woman with a strong work ethic. I worked as a surgical Physician Assistant. I always enjoyed the constant hustle and bustle of the hospital. Long hours and tedious labor never bothered me. I was young, full of energy and always on the go. I thought my life was busy at the time; took for granted the “freedom” I had and then one day…

Pregnant! Yes, the initial realization, as you wait the 3 everlasting minutes to see if a little stick will give you the answer you hope for, is exciting. Hearing the heartbeat, feeling the first kick, and seeing your little one move around inside you are memories to cherish. But let’s face it ladies, there are many other aspects of pregnancy that are just down right wrong!

Let’s delve into the discussion of body metamorphosis shall we? The unfortunate truth that your body will swell and expand in places you never thought possible. The fine pleasures of nausea, hair loss, acne, ankle swelling and mood swings galore. Your sex drive is off the charts, but with an extra 30+ pounds, sexy is not exactly the word that comes to mind. Not to mention by the time you reach the last trimester, sleeping in a comfortable position is virtually impossible.

Then there is labor day, which is a far cry from a holiday tribute. Although, I must say epidurals are a laboring woman’s best friend, the experience is the furthest thing from pleasurable. We all get through it though, and seeing that little face for the first time is breathtaking. Reality sets in quite quickly however. The initial excitement wears off, and the realization that you are responsible for this helpless human being starts to hit you. There are definite moments of panic as you start to realize that this little being is depending on you for everything. Breast feeding brawls, formula trial and error and everlasting infant hiccups are just some of of the wonderful challenges we as mothers, have to encounter. Then there are the newborns who have their days and night confused. These kids are fantastic! All my daughter wanted to do was sleep during the day and give me googly eyes all night.

As a result of all the sleep deprivation and new found anxiety, your coffee intake usually triples. New mommies can be pegged right away. They are the ones wearing circles of exhaustion and holding a Venti Starbucks in hand at all times. Along with this new found coffee addiction, alcohol takes on a whole new meaning as well. Let’s just say if you’re a new mom, alcohol is a requirement. Mommies are constantly worrying- do they need to be changed, are they teething, why are they crying so much, what’s wrong with this baby!

Moving on to the next topic- COLIC. Basically, in my opinion, it’s just a made up word doctors throw around when they have no idea what the hell is wrong with your baby. “My baby cries all day…Oh yes, she has colic”. What kind of an answer is that? Just tell me that it could be any number of things and you really have no clue as to what it is!

My daughter was extremely colicky. Here are just some insane scenarios I tried to get her to calm down:

-Marathon run- sprinting around the dining room table with her, 20-30 laps a night.

-The vibrating chair- went through 3 of these, burned out every battery.

-The waterfall- stood by the kitchen sink and let the water run on full blast (I still cringe if someone runs the water for a long period of time)

-The swing- my daughter looked like she was on a mini roller coaster, all 8 lbs of her swinging on full speed.

-The oven hood fan- had the car seat on the counter with the fan going for hours.

-The kitchen- aid- baby in car seat, on kitchen table with mixer on high (not making cookies)

-Finally, the human swing- baby strapped in car seat and me swinging her back and forth. (permanently destroyed my back, but my arms were ripped!)

All kidding aside, children are precious and our lives would not be complete without them. But if you are a new mom, I hope this helps you feel better. You are not alone, and I promise you will get through it. Motherhood truly is the hardest job in the world and yet, the most rewarding!

Kristen Rossi



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