How Your Body Leads Your Emotions

Going to the gym or going on the morning run is a dreaded chore for most people but it can make you happier.  It’s so damn difficult though, so how can it possibly make you happier?

See, the happiest people are often times the most active in bettering themselves in any aspect of life, whether it be mentally or physically. As long as you know that you’re actively heading somewhere better, you will most likely be happier.  It really is that easy.  To be sad is often times simply a lack of vitality in your life.  The opposite of depression is not just happiness, but also a life full of working to better yourself, working towards something.  So many people know where they need to go in their life, they just fail to take initiative to do it.  They know they should eat right and hit the gym, they just lack proper motivation and don’t understand the impact these things can have on your physical AND mental well being.

When you take the path of bettering yourself physically , not only can eating right and hitting the gym consistently help you drop the pounds and shed the fat but it can also help you become much happier.  You are headed in the right direction in your life and you know it. Eating healthier will give you more energy and coupled with that, in an intense workout you release endorphins that literally help you relieve stress and feel better.  Science says so!  So, not only does working out and eating right help you look a hell of a lot better, but it helps helps you become a much happier person.

Having a healthy body is conducive to having a happy mind.  Your body literally leads your emotions.  Is taking the time to care of your body worth it for you to become happier?

Travis Barton

Life Coach



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