Fuel Your Body, Mind and Soul…and Embrace a New YOU!

Transitions are inevitable. How we navigate them can further the emotional turmoil or transform us into a better version of ourselves. When we are going through emotional crisis, one of the BEST things we can do is to nourish our bodies – and our minds – with the fuel it needs to sustain us and carry us through to the other side.

As I work with those going through divorce – whether they have initiated it or not – so many find themselves in a sort of free fall. Their identity for the past 5-10-20 years has been tied to their spouse and even if they know they will be happier parting ways, they struggle to find their own identity outside of the relationship. This requires work, and often the path of least resistance is to ignore, put off, or numb the pain with alcohol, drugs or food. This may provide temporary relief, but is soon followed by remorse, sadness, and lower self-esteem…none of which serve us as we embark on a new life chapter.

Love Your Body

This is the time to be mindful of what you are eating, and fuel your body with foods that will serve you. Friends will give you permission to overindulge, have cake, enjoy that extra glass of wine, but how does it make you FEEL the next day? A good rule of thumb is to shoot for 3 meals a day that include a protein, vegetable and healthy carb. Try to steer clear of processed foods, sugar, and gluten – this will help with mental clarity, energy and weight. Many find themselves with a complete loss of appetite, which is understandable. This is a good time to explore the right supplements to ensure you are getting all of the right vitamins and minerals your body needs. Just remember your body needs love, too, and fueling it right will help YOU look and feel your best as you weather the storm.

An Inside Job

Most of us know what, how and when we should be eating for maximal health, but the key to long term transformation is shifting our mindset and creating a new identity that matches our physical transformation. Personal development is mission critical as you experience the transition of divorce. Yes, we want to look and feel our best, but if we don’t work on our mindset ,any health program will be thwarted and we will inevitably end up sabotaging our efforts. Creating a daily habit of listening to a podcast, reading a book, or hiring a life coach can be one of the most supportive things you can do for you.

Soul Food

Nourishing your soul is just as important as your body and mind. This is a time to quiet the mind and embrace activities that drown out the noise…so that we can hear that little voice inside that is ready to guide us. This could mean setting aside 15-20 minutes in the morning for meditation – a time to be quiet and listen. It could mean finding a church community that lifts you up. Perhaps taking a restorative yoga class once a week gets you out of the house, out of your head, and into the zone. Pray, meditate, walk, yoga, dance…whatever allows you to quiet the noise and connect to your soul.

This is a time to focus on YOU – unapologetically – so that you can step into your new life as your most happy, confident and VIBRANT self!

Sheira MacKenzie

Founder of Connecting your Life, expert in transition providing health, nutrition and mindset solutions to help you live your most vibrant life!







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